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How to make the best YouTube videos ?How To Make Money Online From Home ?

How to make the best YouTube videos ?How To Make Money Online From Home ?

How to make the best YouTube videos ?  How To Make Money Online From Home ?

As we touched on earlier, you don't get paid until you get popular – and the more popular you get, the more you get paid. Annoying as this is, it makes sense really. You wouldn't pay to advertise on a billboard that nobody walks past, so why pay to advertise on a video nobody watches?

How do you make a successful YouTube channel?

1. be confident
Nobody wants to watch someone who's afraid to look at the camera, but being cocky can be off-putting too.

Don't be overly confident to a point where it’s cringe, but don’t be shy either. Convince your audience that they should be watching you

2. Follow popular trends
Pay attention to what other popular channels are posting right now, and not just what's done well in the past.

3. Find your niche and be unique
This might sound like we're contradicting ourselves, but famous You Tubers agrees: being unique is just as important as following trends.

If you do the same thing as someone else, the chances are that people will prefer to watch the person who gets a million views on every video.
With that in mind, take some time to think about what you can do well, and whether you think people would be interested in it. Better still, look at the popular trends and figure out how to add something new to them.

For example, gaming videos are super popular on YouTube – but as such, it's also an incredibly competitive area to break into. See if you can think of a unique spin to put on the genre – if you can, you may have just found your niche!

Other popular categories include product reviews, comedy, beauty vlogs and general 'how to' guides – again, see if you can think of a way to capitalize on these trends while still setting yourself apart from the crowd.

Don't worry if you start off without a clearly refined idea of what you want to do.

4. Be yourself
It's one of our top tips for making friends at universe and to be honest, it applies to all areas of life. If you've ever tried to take on a new persona, you'll know it eventually becomes unbearably tiring and that you'll inevitably let your real self-show at some point.

And that's not to mention the fact that, unless you're a pretty skilled actor, your viewers will probably pick up on the fact that you're faking it.

According to famous You Tubers, pretending to be someone you're not is a depressingly common mistake made by You Tubers.

There are countless examples of You Tubers putting on a fake persona for videos and it now backfiring as they don’t want to be that person anymore. People should follow you for who you are.

6. Use catchy, relevant titles and thumbnails

See the header photo at the top of this article? In case you hadn't realized, it's parodying the kind of thumbnails you see on YouTube – and it's all in aid of getting people to click on that video over all the others.

Click bait is a necessity nowadays on YouTube – if a video doesn’t look appealing from the thumbnail and title, people won’t click on it.

Make sure you have a thumbnail and title that makes your video look interesting and makes people want to find out more.
That being said, don’t put something in there that's not related to the video or is just a complete lie – YouTube have caught people out for this and have banned their channels.

7. Upload content regularly

We mentioned this earlier, but it bears repeating: if you want your channel to become popular, and to stay popular, you'll need to upload content on the regular.
What's more, whether you opt for daily, weekly or monthly videos, try to post them at regular intervals. Posting on a specific day each week helps your viewers keep track of when some new content will drop, and hopefully stops people engaging for the next video.

8. Show you love your content
It's not enough to just be yourself, or to find a niche. Perhaps the most important thing of all is to show your viewers that you love what you're doing.
Having a passion for what your videos, and your subject matter, will make an impact on how they're received – if you seem interested, chances are your viewers will be too!

On the other hand, if you don't love what you're doing, you'll soon get bored and the videos will start to reflect that. Passion comes first, and the money comes second!
Always make sure to follow the rules too: no inappropriate content, copyright or spamming. Play nice and you'll be making money before long!

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